
It’s easy to underestimate the real worth of your old smartphone especially when parting ways with it. This is because you are in a hurry to sell your old phone at any cost you are getting. Whether you are going to declutter your smartphone collection or want a new phone in hand, there are a few strategies that can enhance the phone’s value before selling it. 

By addressing common issues, you can present your phone in the best possible light and maximize its value. To bring you a profitable selling experience, here are some tips that will help you boost your device’s resale value.


Turning Your Old Phone into Profits- Boost Your Phone’s Value with These Simple Tips


Without a shadow of a doubt, our lives revolve around smartphones. These devices are quickly evolving — bringing forward new features and functionality. Now that you have decided to sell your old phone and grab a new one, it’s time to contemplate some tips that inevitably raise the resale value. 

You will just need to dedicate some time and effort to rejuvenate your phone’s functionality and appearance. Discover those essential steps to make your smartphone more valuable and attractive. 


1. Clean and Refurbish


A thorough cleaning of your device can make the selling process super easy. Over time, fingerprints, dirt, and dust accumulate in the crevices of the phone. So a little care and effort can make it look better to sell for a better price. Here’s what you need to do:

Exterior Cleaning

Clean properly all the external portions including the screen, sides, and back panel. For this, grab a microfiber cloth to wipe the phone’s body and screen to remove fingerprints, smudges, and dust from it.

Accessories and Cases

The accessories of your phone and phone case also need to be cleaned and well-maintained to add value. 

Speakers and ports cleaning

The headphone jack, charging port, or any other opening needs deep cleaning. For this, you can use compressed air, or small brush, or even specialized tools for delicate cleaning so that there’s no damage to the device.  


For in-depth hygiene, you can prefer sanitization of your phone as well for which you can use disinfectant wipes to keep your phone’s surfaces clean. 


2. Resolve Repairing Issues


Your phone’s functionality matters a lot. If there’s a problem in its functionality then address that issue on a priority basis. Here are some common issues you may find:

Display Repair

Check if there’s any crack or scratch on the screen. Such damages can substantially reduce the resale value. To hide minor imperfections, you can use a screen protector as well.

Battery Health

Check your phone’s battery life. If it doesn’t charge well then it’s better to replace it before selling. It will eventually boost resale value and the phone’s overall performance. 

Phone’s Software

The next aspect you should consider is its software. Firstly, erase all your data from it and perform a factory reset. Secondly, make sure that the software runs smoothly and is up-to-date. The updated version makes more chances of fetching a better price. 

Fixing functional issues

There may be many functional errors such as connectivity issues, non-responsive buttons, and many more. Such problems reduce the value of phones and many of them are unproductive for the new purchaser. So, it’s better to resolve such issues beforehand. 


3. Presenting


Presenting your phone holds significance in the selling process. You need to take care of the following things for this:


Make sure you are giving all accessories of the phone that you have, whether it is a phone case, earphones, cables, charger, or anything associated with it. Accessories fetch better prices than you can ever think as your potential buyer gets the chance of having all things in one go. 

Original packing

Original packaging material or even original box if you have, can leave a lasting impression on your potential buyers. It does add an extra layer of reassurance and professionalism. 

HD pictures

Take well-lit and clear pictures from all angles. Your honest picture disclosure attracts more customers. So highlight the repaired areas, and unique features and provide all views of your phone’s condition. 


Gather all relevant documents including proof of purchase, warranty cards, user manuals, and anything you find of your phone. Providing these documents to the user builds a layer of confidence and trust that also impacts its overall value. 


An honest product description is where mentioning the phone’s wear & tear, specifications, and overall condition goes — playing a role in attracting more buyers. 

Note: Write it more clearly and honestly. 


Moreover, you should set your phone at a fair price. You can check the market price and set the right value as per its condition, age, and anything extra that you have. You can choose the right platform as well, like CashMart India. Make sure you are picking the right, reputable, and credible platform to sell your phone.

These detailed steps improve the physical condition and boost the phone’s value as well. For a better phone that is well-maintained, functions properly, and comes with all documentation & accessories, the buyers easily get ready to pay a premium as well. So these aspects will surely enhance the resale value of your phone. 


Some Important Considerations


While you start emphasizing the fact that your phone’s condition will improve with your little efforts, make sure you consider the following aspects as well:

  • Access your phone’s condition thoroughly and avoid abrasive materials or harsh chemicals for cleaning it as it may damage the phone. 
  • While repairing, if there are minor repairs then you can attempt otherwise it’s advisable to get the help of professionals in this regard.
  • Do a detailed listing highlighting its specifications, features, and all additional accessories, etc. Also, mention repairs (if any) in these listings.
  • Do in-depth research to get the competitive and fair resale value of your phone.
  • While choosing an online platform, contemplate the one that is trustworthy and reputable such as CashMart India.
  • Negotiation is a key to selling. So make sure you have set the right price and if it’s fair & based on your research then be firm with it. 
  • Prioritise safety while executing the selling process. Consider bringing a friend if you are meeting in public places. 
  • Keep transparency in your dealings and be honest about your phone’s condition. Honesty builds trust and buyers prefer such sellers who honestly give details about their devices. 
  • Prefer a secure payment method with the buyer.
  • Do all the necessary paperwork so that they can use the phone properly furthermore. 


Bottom Line


When you have the option to convert your old unused phone into a lucrative opportunity then it shouldn’t end up as an electric waste. With some thoughtful actions, you can maximize its value and even ensure that it gets a new life. This process eventually helps in recouping most of the investment as well. 

Upgrading with new options is never a bad idea. But with that, don’t leave your old phone idle behind. You can fetch a fraction of the original cost by considering its maximum value. Some little efforts and effective tips can bring your phone back to life and let you earn a significant return as well. 

CashMartIndia can simplify the cumbersome process of letting go of your old phone and making some good money — while also offering you a convenient platform to get a fair price for your old phone.


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